Dentistry for Teenagers in Southlake, TX
Sometimes, teenagers encounter new challenges as they mature. They’re more concerned about how they look. They play a lot more sports. So we change right along with them…

Growing up with G&G
Why would a parent bring their teenage child to Giggles and Grins? Dr. Watts has a theory: “Our Board Certification – the extra tests, the extra training – helps us provide the highest level of care. Honestly, we push ourselves to be the best… and I think parents understand and appreciate that.”
To Dr. Armstrong, it’s about forging a lasting connection. “After a few years, we’re family. I get graduation invitations and wedding invitations from patients that I saw when they were a year old! That trust doesn’t stop – we now have second-generation patients who bring their babies to us. I can’t believe I’m that old… but it’s an emotional experience.”

Multiple Opinions
Since dental program that can last for years, parents depend on Giggles and Grins to provide the best evolving treatment for their kids.
According to Dr. Watts, “After every visit, each patient gets multiple dental opinions from our team. We talk over different possibilities, discuss new methods, pull different perspectives from our individual training.”
The result is a consensus of many minds. Every child benefits from the cumulative wisdom of Giggles and Grins doctors. And the decades of experience behind them.

Sports Protection
Increased athletic activity means an increased chance of injury – in contact sports, especially. “In football, mouthguards are mandatory, but in baseball and basketball… usually not”, Dr. Armstrong says. “The trick is making a mouthguard that your kid will actually want to wear”
“Our approach is unique. We offer different colors – orange, blue, lime green and others. Patients choose a favorite style. Then we take an impression of their teeth for a perfect fit. The whole process is very quick… a custom mouthpiece in 24 hours.
“Remember, they designed it. So they’re more likely to wear it.”